Old Tunnel State Park
10619 Old San Antonio Road
United States
-98° -98' 11.2404" N 30° 30' 4.3932" W

Visitors can enjoy hiking, bird watching, and general wildlife-viewing on the Old Tunnel nature trail, which is less than one-half mile in length and open to the public 365 days a year. The trail opens at sunrise and closes at varying times throughout the year based on bat emergence time. Monday through Wednesday evenings, May through October, the trail and lower viewing area are not open to the public. On Thursday through Sunday evenings, the trail is open to those visitors who pay admission to view the bats at the lower viewing area. The trail is primitive and can be steep. Visitors should bring and carry their own drinking water and snacks, as no water, food, or man-made shelter is available on the trail. No water fountains or other water is available onsite. No pets, or smoking, are allowed at this park.

Although entrance into the tunnel is prohibited, visitors are encouraged to enjoy the view of the tunnel from the trail. In order to minimize disturbance to the bat colony and for the safety of our visitors, all guests must stay on the designated trail. Under no conditions are visitors allowed to approach the tunnel.

Picnic Tables
Things To Do: 
Educational Programs
Guided Tours
Hiking/ walking
Wildlife Watching