Enchanted Rock State Natural Area
16710 Ranch Rd. 965
Fredericksburg, TX, 78624
United States (830) 685-3636
It is possible to look at the sun with the right equipment! Join Park Rangers with a special telescope to safely see our nearest star. Program time TBD.
Safely gaze at our nearest star through a telescope to see the wonder of sun spots and solar flares like never before! Join Park Rangers in the Day Use Area for safe solar viewing and sun trivia.
Meet: In the Day Use Area (near Kona Ice)
When: 2:30 - 4 PM. This is a come-and-go event.
This event is free with the purchase of a Day Pass or an overnight Camping reservation. Reservations can be made online at TexasStateParks.ReserveAmerica.com. Entry fees are $8 per adult ages 13+, children 12 and younger are free.
This event is weather dependent and subject to cancellation. Updates will be posted on this page and on our Facebook and Instagram feeds.